Evolving Beyond Ego![]() “The mind is its own place,
and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..” ― John Milton, Paradise Lost Coaching Evolutionaries - being the change you seekUntangling the mind.... Freeing the heart:
I help evolutionaries to identify and evolve their limiting egoic patterns of thinking and behaving, to help them see more clearly into the truth of challenging situations or difficult emotions and then anchor their decision-making in the deepest motivational states, using a range of simple, effective re-usable tools My greatest coaching passion is to work with people who REALLY want to change... and ultimately, people who what to evolve beyond ego - to live their noblest vision for their lives, for the greatest good. Change can be ego-driven, but the expression of the evolutionary impulse through a person comes from a completely different motivational field and has a power, depth and clarity to it. Even though evolutionaries may have the noblest aspirations and values, navigating the challenges of everyday life is where spiritual practice and an evolutionary context has it's most practical application. The Most Important Thing![]() The Four Intelligences
"The most important thing is to keep the most important thing, the most important thing.." Donald P Coduto As a coach, I work in three realms: I help my clients 1. resolve the past 2. become fully present 3. create an inspiring future.. ... not necessarily in that order... we work with what presents itself and make room for what wants to emerge. ![]() In evolutionary coaching, I also draw on Integral Theory in my approach to a wholistic view of each client's life.
Get perspective. Get clear. Get free. Get peace. Get aligned. Get creative. Get evolving...
Any form of discomfort or tension held in the body or confusion and contradictions in the mind, are most likely either one of two things: either it is the ego making meanings that are not true and these are still not being seen or "owned" and the truth is still out there.. OR it's something that wants to evolve in us - something is urging us to evolve past a limiting behaviour pattern or belief, something new, better, higher wants to be expressed through us... Sometimes this discomfort can be part of the same mechanism but it takes skill and often support to be able to untangle what's going on - we need to see clearly - see the truth and listen deeply for the evolutionary impulse within us, to know what needs to evolve and then anchor ourselves in our deepest motivations so we can act on it. Having tools and strategies that work in real time in daily life can be incredibly supportive to living on the evolutionary edge. I use and teach several "tools" to my clients which mean they can develop "Mindsight" - a term coined by Dan Siegel which is the ability to see and navigate the "inner seas" and within the context of Craig Hamilton's evolutionary spirituality teachings, also includes developing and deepening one's ability to discover and experience the evolutionary Self. I am also increasingly making use of the newest mind-body (psychosensory) techniques such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique also known as Tapping) and the Havening Technique. I have helped clients who have experienced physical trauma in the past (such as being electrocuted or life-threatening haemorrhaging) to completely resolve and free their bodies from the affect of these events. I work with the territory of the ego - discovering the limiting beliefs, down to the core beliefs and behaviour patterns and the "shadow" elements, using an evolved version of Wilber's 3-2-1 Shadow process) using metaphor as a way of resolving stuck patterns and literally evolving the metaphor into a more healthy version and I also use a really powerful combination of processes in the imaginal realm for when people need to truly forgive someone (past or present) which in itself can be transformational and perspective-altering and an important contribution to how we can live lives of "constant resolution". And I also work with the emergent - with the evolutionary impulse, to discern our deepest motivations for changing our behaviours and co-creating powerful anchor statements with my clients. In Bruce Lipton's book "The Honeymoon Effect - The Science of Creating Heaven On Earth" (really!) he says that there are two ways of changing our behaviour - one is to go back to the past using the same brain-wave patterns of childhood to "reconfigure" our un-evolved behaviour patterns (the imaginal realms/hypnosis/etc.) or we can change our actual behaviours in our current lives, by being conscious of our choices in real time (or both of these). As evolutionaries, our focus is always on the emergent, the possible, the new, the highest good, but when some old egoic pattern, or an unresolved issue from the past seems to be limiting our ability to live on the edge, then it's helpful to get insightful, powerful, authentic support from someone else. I truly believe that we cannot evolve in isolation and we need each other to help see our egoic behaviours and ruses and to feel supported and empowered to move beyond them. The way I sum up what I do is facilitating transformation in my clients - supporting them to evolve beyond ego: untangling the mind - the great undoing of the ego, and freeing the heart - not just the "individual" heart, but the impulse at the very heart of the entire Kosmos. I support people to resolve the past - living a life of constant resolution / seeing clearly / beginners mind / letting go of all meaning making / telling the whole truth, become fully present - 100% wholehearted participation / deep listening / speaking from the deepest, most authentic part of the Self / meditation practice / presence / gratitude / open to grace and create an inspiring future. - living in answer to the question, "What is the evolutionary response to this?" / risk taking / knowing we all have evolving edges, engaging with yours / living as an exemplar as if you were always on stage, 24/7 / acting for the greatest good for all concerned. |